Cisco XDR: Security Operations Simplified

Cisco XDR is an innovative platform designed to address the growing challenges in cybersecurity, including ransomware attacks. In 2023, 83% of cyber-attacks were identity-related, and 60% involved lateral movement from the entry point to the rest of the network. This guide explores how Cisco XDR enhances visibility and effectively turns data into actionable insights. 

Needs of SecOps Teams 

Security Operations (SecOps) teams use multiple vendors for their cybersecurity needs, making cross-tool correlation essential. They seek tools that provide quick alerts and focus on high-priority tasks. Cisco XDR excels at correlating vast amounts of information across a global threat landscape, delivering precise threat mitigation insights. Additionally, SecOps teams want ready-to-use playbooks and response teams for immediate action during attacks. 

Cisco XDR Simplified Interface 

Cisco XDR offers an intuitive interface that consolidates information from various tools for easy access. These curated integrations work with multiple vendors, eliminating the need to switch to Cisco products or develop custom APIs for actional intelligence and threat blocking. 

Advantages of Cisco XDR 

Cisco XDR aims to detect threats that bypass existing security systems. Attackers often exploit vulnerabilities within security products, but Cisco XDR focuses on protecting the network itself through a network detection response. This feature acts as a data lake, filtering intelligence to identify potential attacks. The Cisco XDR premier platform includes Cisco employees monitoring the network to enhance security further. 

System Integrations That Work 

Cisco XDR reduces detection time by providing a comprehensive view of multiple tools within the system. For instance, while Windows Defender only sees endpoint activity, Cisco XDR monitors the entire network, identifying a series of events that might indicate an attack. It can correlate seemingly harmless issues into actionable insights, offering a level of insight no other system currently provides. 

Cisco XDR offers a holistic view of all tools within a system, coupled with a robust network detection response. This integration helps understand attack sequences, eradicates threats, assists in recovery, and implements measures to prevent future incidents.  

Ready to Enhance Your Cybersecurity?

Expand your cybersecurity capabilities and set your team up for success.  

Reach out today to learn how Lockstep Technology Group can help you navigate the cybersecurity landscape and protect your information using a holistic approach. 


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